Sunday, April 3, 2011

First Easter Egg in Millview PEI

You probably don't want to hear about my trip to Cuba last week but some day I will post the pics of that wonderful hot place...the beach was a sight to see and was very hot.

Today Jack and I went for walk in the April snow that fell over night on PEI. Just behind our place he found lots to sniff about. And in the chicken hose our new little black hen laid a beautiful egg and was telling the rest about it when we came in. In the pic below  it is still warm even tho it is just at freezing outside and I had my warm gloves on. There she is in the next shot, telling everyone else what she had done. We have been getting lovely Muscovy duck eggs for weeks and the two big hens are laying every day now.

Heather and I created a new mat pattern that has to be hooked pretty soon as I would like to enter it into a show in Summerside. It is my grand daughter's great, great grandfather's ship. It was built in Mt. Stewart PEI in the late 1800s and sailed out of Peake's Wharf, Charlottetown, PEI. I'll be telling you more as I find out more about it and the merchants that sailed her across the seas.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like lots of fun at your place these days. I will make it for a visit yet! Just this morning I was remembering your goat, the guy you had so many years ago. He would make a good model for a hooked rug, I think.
    Looking forward to your future blogs!
